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Essencia Canard Vodka 28ml
Essencia Canard Vodka 28ml
Essencia Canard Vodka 28ml
Discover an exceptional vodka that stands out for its remarkable smoothness and subtle sweetness. This refined spirit offers a harmonious blend of delicate almond and citrus notes, creating a nuanced and sophisticated flavor profile. Its well-rounded character and silky texture make it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the elegance of premium vodkas, particularly fans of Grey Goose. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as the base for a crafted cocktail, this vodka promises a refined and enjoyable experience with every sip. Crafting 2.25 litres of authentic-tasting spirit from each 28ml bottle, Essencia essences deliver an authentic flavour every time. With decades of leadership in quality home distillation, Essencia ensures an unparalleled taste experience. Don't compromise on quality; elevate your spirits with this exceptional essence.